7-Day Master Plant Diet

7-day learning Diet

A Learning Diet in Shamanism

Many people feel called to embark on a learning diet when they have gained experience with plant medicine. The diet is challenging, emphasizing the importance of thorough preparation. We recommend participating in a 5-day retreat before the 7-day diet to ensure you are adequately prepared. During the preparation phase, the shaman learns from the spirit of the master plant how the diet will unfold for the individual. This period also allows the shaman and participant to establish a crucial bond. This bond supports the ensuing 7-day isolation process. We must approach learning diets with utmost respect, recognizing that thorough preparation is essential for a fruitful and meaningful experience. A 7-day diet is often the first step into learning shamanic practices. To learn more about the retreats we offer, click here.

Many people feel called to embark on a learning diet after gaining experience with plant medicine. We highly recommend that individuals complete a 5-day retreat prior to undertaking the 7-day diet. The diet is challenging, emphasizing the importance of thorough preparation. During the preparation phase, the shaman learns from the spirit of the master plant how the diet will unfold for the individual. This period also allows the shaman and participant to establish a crucial bond that supports the ensuing 7-day isolation process. Learning diets should not be rushed or taken lightly, as they are ancient practices. We approach diets with utmost respect, recognizing that thorough preparation is essential for a fruitful and meaningful experience. A 7-day diet often serves as the initial step into learning shamanic practices. To learn more about the retreats we offer click here.


7 Day Master Plant Diet

First Plant Diet Experience

Bobinsana is recommended as a beginner’s diet because its spirit is gentle and patient, embodying qualities of universal love. While there are other master plants that can be more challenging, Bobinsana’s characteristics make it ideal for beginners. This recommendation comes from shamans who understand its suitability for those new to plant diets.