Embarking on a Sacred Journey: Ayahuasca Courses at Takinuna Healing Center


What is an Ayahuasca Course?

Ayahuasca Training Programs. Ayahuasca courses are training programs lasting 7, 10, 15, or 30 days. where the ancient traditions of Amazonian shamanism. come to life through our Ayahuasca courses at Takinuna Healing Center. In this immersive training, participants delve into the realm of spiritual plant medicine. of curanderismo learning from native shaman healers of the Amazon.

This article will shed light on what our Ayahuasca courses entail. Emphasizing the profound importance of learning. from these guardians of indigenous wisdom, exploring the traditional healing treatments offered. And understanding the importance of plant diets with master plants. like bobinsana and Huayra caspi.

Ayahuasca Courses: Revealing the Secrets of Amazonian Shamanism

Ayahuasca Training Programs

Our Ayahuasca courses. are designéd as comprehensive training in the curative tradition, of Amazonian shamanism. Participants immerse themselves in the rich cultural tapestry of curanderismo. and gain knowledge of the spiritual, emotional. and physical dimensions of plant medicine. This journey is more than an educational experience. It is a transformative initiation. into ancient practices passed down by master healer grandparents.

Who now have a mission to teach plant medicine. to participants answering the call of medicine to help others. The teachings of master healers. are presentéd in ceremonies, song teachings (Icaros), conversations, and workshops. the complex tradition can be understoód through powerful plant diets. And overseen by a cycle of ceremonies and purification processes. Spending a few months in the jungle may not be a long time. But it is enough for significant progress. paving the way for further learning in curanderismo.

Learning from Native Shaman Healers: A Sacred Connection

A central element of Ayahuasca courses at Takinuna Healing Center. is the invaluable opportunity to learn from native shaman healers. of the Amazon. These experienced practitioners serve as guides. sharing profound knowledge of medicinal plants. and spiritual insights, the teachings go beyond theory creating a direct connection. to authentic Amazonian shamanic traditions.

Participants are guidéd through ceremonies. learning the art of navigating spiritual realms with respect, reverence, and authenticity. As well as the use of medicinal plants. and flowers in various treatments such as steam baths, flower baths. Smoke baths, poultices, purgatives. and the use of tree barks to treat different types of diseases.


Healing Treatments: Traditional Use of Medicinal Plants

In the “Healing Treatment” aspect of our courses, participants gain practical experience. in the traditional use of medicinal plants for physical treatments. From plant baths to energy cleansing rituals. our courses provide a holistic approach to healing. The emphasis is on integrating ancient wisdom with contemporary understanding. offering participants a comprehensive foundation in curanderismo.

Vegetable Diet: Master Plants Bobinsana and Huayra Caspi

The “Vegetable Diet“. component of our courses introduces participants. to the profound impact of master plants. bobinsana and huayra caspi. These master plants are integral to the beginning stages. of learning traditional shamanic medicine. Participants engage in a dietary discipline that goes beyond physical purification. it serves as a portal to spiritual realms. Enhancing receptivity and attunement to the wisdom of these sacred plants.

Amazonian shamanic Ayahuasca Training Programs

At Takinuna Healing Center. Our Ayahuasca courses are not educational programs. they are sacréd journeys into the heart of Amazonian shamanism. By learning from native shaman healers, experiencing traditional healing. treatments. And embracing the profound lessons of master plants. participants are initiatéd into a world of spiritual exploration and healing. Join us on this transformative adventure, where the ancient traditions of the Amazon. Come alive to nurture the mind, body, and spirit.

Ayahuasca Training Programs

DateProgramsSpaces Left
January 04th -18thFifteen-day initiation courseRegister Now
February 09th-23thFifteen-day initiation courseRegister Now
March 10th – 24thFifteen-day initiation courseRegister Now
April 05th – 19thFifteen-day initiation courseRegister Now