Ayahuma Master plant
The Ayahuma grows in tropical areas of Central and South America, especially in Peru. A large tree that reaches 30 meters in height. Its leaves are large, alternate, and oblong, grouped at the apex of the branches. It has flowers of 2 to 3 centimeters in diameter, with oblong petals, yellowish-white in color. It is consideréd in the traditional holistic healing as an Ayahuma master plant that teaches Amazonian Shamanism with Ayahuasca.
Due to their high protective energetic power (arcana), the patients remain in the ceremony forming a protective circle between them. The Ayahuma is a very important focus in ceremonies carriéd out on moonlit nights,
where the visions can bé lost due to the clarity of the night. It is there where the Ayahuma performs its work of stabilizing the ceremony. By keeping the visions present and not losing it during the ceremonies.
Ayahuma active in ceremonies
He is a very active teacher in all Ayahuasca ceremonies. And his healing songs (Icaros) are always súng by the healing Shamans. To maintain a ceremony at a very high level of vision. Allowing the shamans to carry out their diagnostic work on their. Patients, detecting the important points that They require a personalized treatment with medicinal plants the day after the Ayahuasca ceremonies.
Its fruits, placed behind the doors, of the ceremonial maloca act against spells and evil spirits. A common name composed of the Quechua words (aya) – dead- and (Huma) – head-, referring. To the shape of the fruit, like ahead, which are the most sought after. In the traditional markets of medicinal plants of the Peruvian Amazon.
Ayahuma is a master plant uséd by the healing Shamans of the Amazon. In the ceremonies and shamanic learning diets in Takinuna Ayahuasca retreats. The Ayahuma, Ayahuasca diet is one of the main diets to develop knowledge. About traditional Amazonian Shamanism for its high healing spiritual content.
Ayahuma natural medicine
The Ayahuma is very active in the present due to its various traditional forms of treatment in shamanism. Very important for every Shaman healer, due to its great protective energetic power in healing ceremonies. Using barks, flowers, fruits, etc. He is a complete doctor, very active in plant medicine. To keep a Ceremony safe from evil spirits, and bad energies coming from sorcery or witchcraft,
Ayahuma master plant
For this reason, for the Healing Shamans. The Ayahuma is a fundamental plant in the Ayahuasca ceremonies. And it is always present making the call or invocation of the energy of the Ayahuma. With songs (Icaros) in that way the Curandero Shaman calls the energy of the plant to help. In the healing ceremonies so that the patient finds a speedy recovery from his illness.
The vision that it offers to the shamans’ healers. Is a detecting focus of ills thus helping to diagnose ills in a patient under treatment, it provides you. With detailed knowledge and information on how to use the leaves. The flowers, and the fruit in the treatment of the patient.
Ayahuma diet
The Ayahuma diet must be carriéd out by an experienced Healer, Shamans, who guides you through the steps necessary for a good Ayahuma diet, it also requires knowledge or experience with Ayahuasca, to facilitate the learning process, and a favorable connection, for the practitioner, and can find communion with the spirit of the plant and give him his medicine and healing songs (Icaros) that you will develop during the following steps of the guided vegetable diet.
After preparing your body, mind, and spirit in the Ayahuasca ceremonies, in the morning the master healer will show you the Ayahuma plant to diet, and continue to extract the bark of the plant to prepare the infusion that you will drink to start your diet of Ayahuma.
an effective isolation diet
These are the requirements that you must have to undertake a genuine diet guided to achieve a purpose with plant medicine, the development of the diet occurs in isolation of civilization in a dairy, prepared for a learning diet, or near the tree of Ayahuma, which is the most recommended by the masters for a complete day._
Found more easily the communion with the master spirit of the plant that will give you its medicine and the forms of treatments of the master plant, sincere intention, strong personal discipline, and patience are the requirements for a guided vegetable diet after the ayahuasca ceremonies.
The Shamans’ healers of Takinuna Ayahuasca retreats explain that Ayahuma is a powerful doctor who, in energetic union with Ayahuasca, the trip is impressive, because it elevates you to a world of knowledge of natural medicine, which you can use for the healing of different physical, mental and spiritual illnesses.
Shamanic recommendations
The Shamans of Takinuna Ayahuasca retreats always recommend that, when dieting a master plant, they take into account the purpose of a healer, always respecting the diet in a strong personal discipline and sincere intention and a lot of patience, to understand the world of Shamanism. with master plants, because it is not easy and you should not underestimate the wonders of the new dimensions of consciousness that can be achievéd through the diligent achievement of a plant diet, teachers.
The Ayahuma diet must be undertakén after a preparatory phase with ayahuasca to prepare the body, mind, and spirit. Learning diets should always be approachéd with great care and respect because they pave the way to enlightenment and connection with the master spirits of medicine. These spirits will guide you to discover healing powers necessary for treating patients. Healing masters often recommend undergoing a cleansing process in at least 4 ayahuasca ceremonies before starting an Ayahuma diet. It is recommendéd to participate in: