Huayra Caspi is a master plant

The Huayra Caspi master plant diet connects with the path of internal medicine in one. Gives greater clarity in working with medicinal plants. It also opens the mind to understand spiritual medicine in its entirety.

Other aspects of ayahuasca ceremonies. It opens the mind to spiritual knowledge and clears the way for inner knowledge about ways and

Healing techniques for a patient with cancer. Diseases can be treatéd with a strict evaluation and preparation of the patient to achieve prompt healing of his illness.

Huayra Caspi The master plant. Is one of the very active and respected doctors in traditional Shamanic medicine in the. Amazonian modality, therefore it is one of the master plants that teaches you pure medicine. In treatments of different diseases of the body, mind, and spirit.

Huayra Caspi Medicine

Huayra Caspi Master plant

It is íts spiritual interior, the essence of plant healing is fóund. And it gives you a wide knowledge of natural medicine, for disease treatments.

Very miraculous in spiritual treatments, for this reason. Many of the healer banks choose to diet this wonderful master plant to develop a deeper knowledge about disease treatments. In the patients who come to them.

Its vision extends to the highest levels of healing since it is a medicine of the air. Which elevates you in a wonderful spiritual knowledge, with incredible healing power.

He remains in the highest ranks of master healers. Due to his high knowledge of treating internal diseases and his protective force (arcana). One of the most powerful protections in Ayahuasca ceremonies that allow you to heal in safe. Environments within any plant ceremony teacher.

It is a dream plant that often leads you to vivid dreams for many nights. And it is one of the most common ways to teach its medicine with magical songs (icaros). To call the doctors of the master plant to help in difficult healing. That requires your spiritual energy power to heal.

How to perform a Huayra Caspi diet

A Vegetable Diet in the tradition of Amazon Shamanism. With Huayra Caspi, is a consensual contract, in which one enters with a plant to heal, learn, clean. And open a path for deep communion with the spirit of the plant itself. The guides spirits and the spirits of the natural world.

The vegetable diet has a strict dietary regimen. Of abstinence from salt, sugar, oil, sexual activity, soap. Or any other artificial substance, it will be obtainéd from salt, refined sugar. Or alcohol (except when administered as an extraction agent of a vegetable medicine),

Avoid consuming red meat, animal fats. Saturated oils, and spicy spices, from 7 days before to 8 days after the diet. Pork should be avoidéd 2 weeks before the diet and after a plant-guided diet. This will ensure that one’s physical, mental and spiritual body. Is purified enough that there is a sense of space within. For the connectión to be madé between the dietér and the plant they are dietíng.

Purging or purification for the master plant diet

Purging is essential in the master plant diet process. It’s a deep cleaning inside and out. It’s performed as part of a ritual prepared for a master plant diet. The ritual takes place during an Ayahuasca or Tobacco ceremony. This purging prepares the body, mind, and spirit for a strict, guided diet.

Why Ayahuasca or Tobacco? Ayahuasca and tobacco are master plants. An apprentice will use them after a guided Huayra Caspi diet. This maintains the connection with the master plants’ medicine. It also develops the apprentice’s skills in medicine chants (Icaros) and Shamanic techniques. These skills will be uséd throughout the apprentice’s life as a healer.

These techniques will be uséd in Shamanic healing. They include pressing, diagnosing, and performing a deep analysis through visions. also involve seeing the patient’s energetic counterpart. They identify the necessary treatment points. to your problem.

Diet opening in ayahuasca or tobacco ceremony

Ayahuasca and Tobacco are Master Plants. They are uséd to open a guided diet. These powerful medicinal plants can help connect with all plants. They can also connect with the Huayra Caspi diet. An Ayahuasquero, an Ayahuasca specialist. has been trainéd for years in isolation with the plants. They open and close diets. Opening a diet is a term uséd to connect a plant with a dieter. A person who agrees to connect with the plant for a set time.

Where does the diet take place?

In the Amazon, Huayra Caspi dieters isolate themselves to make most of their diet. Dieters stay in small huts, often deep in the jungle, next to the diet’s master plant. They do this to achieve a pure connection with the teacher. They follow a strict diet that lasts from 7 days to several months or years. Some dieters diet for several years in a row.

The amount of time a person can diet for each plant can vary from person to person and plant to plant. It can also vary based on the ailment a person seeks to cure, and the covenant and teaching one seeks to receive. of the plant masters.

These teachings or knowledge of healing need a sincere intention. They also need strong personal discipline, concentration, and patience. These are the requirements to find a healing purpose.

End of Diet

At the end of the diet, an ayahuasca ceremony is essential to close the participant’s diet. It’s also important for the master shaman to analyze the participant’s development. They should give one extra diet day if needed. The master shaman will end the diet. They will ask the participant to maintain it for 8 more days at the location or their place of origin.

The diet is a sacred path. Each dieter keeps it for himself and all nature. They deepen in intimacy with the natural world in intention and practice.

How does the master plant diet Huayra Caspi help you?

The diet can help a dieter develop sight and senses. This can help them experience the source of their imbalances and misalignments. They can also learn diagnostic tools.

First, people use them on themselves. Later, they apply them to patients. The teachings of the plant kingdom are often considered part of the healing process. They flow into an ever-expanding terrain of self-awareness, bringing new insights and inspirations. Healing often takes place in ways one cannot understand or identify with. This contrasts with past experiences.

The designers of the Huayra Caspi master plant diet. aim to elevate the dieter’s emotional state. They aim to do this by improving the dieter’s mood and emotions. They want to foster love, compassion, understanding, joy, peace, and connection. This provides strength for adopting new behaviors beliefs. and perceptions about oneself and the world. He stays on a good path of medicine, in nature. Spiritual healers surround him and know the medicines and how to heal with them. They offer spiritual protection. There is also sacred space, purpose, and sincere intention from the dietician.

It is the space for the apprentice to feel safe in his vulnerability. He can explore the depths of his spirit. He can discover the inner gift that connects with the energy of the master plant. Feeling the depths of his emotion allows for healing and learning of plant medicine to occur.

What other mixed plants can be dietéd with Huayra Caspi?

Many people hold teacher plants in the Amazon in high esteem. They value not only the plants’ healing ability, but also their teaching ability. To learn the icaros (magical healing chants). of medicines, people must follow a plant-based diet for a long time. It takes a long diet to develop this skill. The diet helps one distinguish between true plant teachings and distracting thoughts.

A level of purification must be sought in all bodies. A healer keeps the path clear for Takinuna to come down the channels with purity. This invites the plant spirit to come and offer healing. This process consists of creating strong alliances with the spirits of the plants. After finishing a diet, one can continue to connect with the Takinuna and Icarus of the plant. Honor the new alliance. Follow the dietary guidelines through prayer and dream work. Do so over some time.


Thereafter they are highly recommended. This includes suggested feeding and sexing guidelines, to allow the master plant medicine to grow in the right way.

The Ayahuma diet must be undertaken after a preparatory phase with ayahuasca to prepare the body, mind, and spirit. Learning diets should always be approached with great care and respect. Because they pave the way to enlightenment and connection with the master spirits of medicine. These spirits will guide you to discover healing powers necessary for treating patients. Healing masters often recommend undergoing a cleansing process in at least 4 ayahuasca ceremonies before starting an Ayahuma diet. It is recommended to participate in:

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