Master Plant Diets

Master Plant Diets in Amazon, Peru
Teacher Plant Diets in the Authentic Amazon Jungle Tradition
These diets offer the opportunity to explore new dimensions of consciousness. Before a guided master plant diet. participants undergo a prior cycle with ayahuasca or ayahuasca and Huachuma. This prepares the body, mind, and spirit for a better connection with the master plant during the diet. The plant apprentice needs sincere intention, discipline, concentration and patience. Strong discipline and dedication are essential for achieving a purpose with plant medicine.
Master plant diets in the jungle.
Master plant diets are for those who are experienced with ayahuasca and plant medicine and want to take a step to the next level in the practice of traditional Amazonian medicine. These diets are for those who feel a strong call to a specific plant, this might be through ayahuasca ceremonies or intuition. It can also be the case that you would like to treat a certain illness or condition through a plant diet. We will examine your condition in the ceremonies, to find the information needed about the disease to be treated and which medicinal plant to use.
Plant Guided Diet
The shamanic plant-guided diet is a silent retreat that requires strict isolation from social contact and conversation. You will stay for the length of your diet in our diet maloca in the amazonian rainforest. Your only social contact will be the shaman’s visitations where he will sing Icaros and carry personal healing sessions. The diet is guided by the master plant. If carried out with diligence and discipline. You can achieve communion and a connection with the master plant and it’s teachings. You will also learn the nature and applications of its medicine.
Duration of the Master Plant Diets
Diets are usually arranged on a case-by-case basis, The most common duration of a plant diet at Takinuna is a 7-day cycle, being the longest a 10-15 day diet. During a prolonged diet, you can diet different plants. Please note that each plant requires a least one week of diet. The commitment and completion of the diet will be monitored by the master shamans. They may approve it or make further recommendations based on what they see on the ceremonies.
Plant Diets in the Authentic Amazon Rainforest
Many medicinal plants can be dieted for specific healing purposes based on your health condition or intention in the diet. Some of these include chuchuhuasi, ayahuma, murure caspi, motelo sanango, oje, abuta, capinuri, doctor caspí, habers colorado. moringa, garlic, sacha, sugar, huayo and ayahuasca.
Ayahuasca-Banisteriopsis Caapi
In the Takinuna tradition, the plants constituting. the soul’s song are essential for a balanced diet. , Bobinzana, Tobacco, Sacha Garlic, Camalonga, Ayahuma, Oje, and others play significant roles. Each of these plants possesses distinct medicinal. and spiritual qualities curated by the master healer. Throughout the diet, these unique attributes unveil themselves.
Bobinsana- Calliandra angustifolia
Bobinsana is an amazing Amazonian healing plant. It opens and heals the heart and clears feelings and emotions. Bobinsana teachings usually comes from dreams. At the same time this master plant strengthens the mind to have a visionary control in the ceremonies that we carry out in our retreats.
Huayra Caspi Master Plant
Huayra Caspi, master plant. Is one of the very active and respected doctors in traditional shamanic medicine in the Amazonian modality, therefore, it is essential for every healer to make a diet with this wonderful plant, to develop skills and healing powers.
Chacruna- Psychotria Viridis
Master plant diets are carriéd out in the pure and ancient jungle tradition of classic vegetalism in the different traditions of the Peruvian Amazón the diet is a rigorous and sometimes challenging exercise in personal discipline. Focus, dedication, and good intention, the diet is an essential practice to achieve the title of healer or spiritual guide in traditional medicine with ayahuasca.
Camalonga Diet
Taking master plants such as camalonga. In healing learning mode (healing shaman) allows the apprentice to have a very deep learning process about the medicine of plants,their great protective and healing power, allows you to have safe ceremonies, in all ayahuasca ceremonies and master plant.
Following your participation in ayahuasca ceremonies. the masters engage in personal dialogues and consultations. They play a pivotal role in recommending the most suitable plant for your diet. Particularly, for those embarking on their initial guided plant diet. Bobinzana is suggestéd by the teachers. This recommendation stems from their deep understanding. of the plant’s transformative and healing properties.
Amazonian Shamanism
We practice and teach only shamanism. The shamanic art of healing in the Amazonian and Andean modalities. Our work is dedicated to the holistic healing and spiritual enlightenment. Through our plant diets you can fulfil your purpose and intention of helping others as well as yourself. You will learn shamanic practices and be ready to apply them after your finish your diet cycle.